Today (Tuesday) we walked a 7 mile trail along the coast of the Butt of Lewis -- the far north coast which has been deemed one of the windiest spots in the world. I can feel why. It was a great walk; the middle part went through town so we stopped at a tearoom for a bite.
Along the way we talked to a number of Scots and asked about the upcoming vote for independence. The results were mixed. The "yes" in the window is a vote for inpendence. We're seeing a fair number of "yes" signs, if that is any indication.
Along the way, we stopped to chat with a man who showed us the loom in his workshop. He was a former lighthouse keeper who turned to weaving when the lighthouse was automated. He contracts with Harris Tweed. This island (Lewis and Harris) is the source of the real Harris Tweed. Doug did his part for the local economy and bought a Harris Tweed hat. Its like one his dad used to wear and it keeps his head warm.
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