Monday, May 26, 2014

Glebe Stone Circle

The sign pointed off the road to the Glebe Stone Circle. But it was off across a pasture and there was no place to park, and there was only about a foot of grassy space between the edge of the road and the stone fence. We drove past twice trying to figure out if there really was something there and if it was possible to see it. (This wasn't in any guidebook with a handy explanation on how to access it; we just happened on the sign.) Finally we found a farm drive nearby (about a sxteenth of a mile away) that had a small space where we could park. We started to walk back toward the sign, but Doug gave up when a car went by and we had no place to go to avoid it except to press into the grass against the fence.

I wasn't about to give up yet.

I got to the sign and still couldn't figure out how to get to the actual site. But if it had a brown marker/pointer then it must mean it was for the general public. Right? Then I noticed a small slit that came halfway down the stone wall. When I looked through I could see there were 2 cement steps leading down the other side. And a barely-visible path led through the cow pasture to a clump of trees about an eighth mile away. The cows looked pretty disinterested so I climbed through and started across, watching out for cow pies and hoping no other animals were in the pasture (like an irritated bull.)

I made it across and saw the stone circle -- it was worth it even if it wasn't Stonehenge.

Doug waited patiently back at the car, although I told him he should have been concerned enough to watch me, just in case I didn't see some animal (the hypothetical angry bull, for example) coming for me. He said he didn't want to risk his own life standing on a busy highway. But really, only three cars went by while I was navigating my way out and back.

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