Friday, May 20, 2016

Now for Something Completely Different

After days of art and cathedrals and beautiful medieval towns, we did something different. We took a hike at Caminito Del Rey. Only this path is not quite like any other path I've been on. There was something close to this on a smaller scale near Lake Bled, Slovenia, but this was a bit more extreme. Of the 7.7 kilometer trail (about 5 miles), 2/5 of it was a fairly normal mountain trail through the woods and along a beautiful turquoise river. But the other 3/5 of it was on a board walk hung on the side of a cliff. It was well built -- I checked the large bolts and cables that were drilled into the rock.

Actually, it sounds (and looks) worse than it was. There was only one small stretch where I looked straight ahead so that I didn't get a little dizzy with the height. It was a great walk and we chose to walk the canyon from north to south, which happens to be the mostly-downhill direction. And at the south end we could catch a bus back to our car.

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